Praise and Prayer Requests for September 17, 2024
CEF of MI, Capital Area Chapter

Praise God with us:
1. We have received 87% of our goal for the new boiler!
2. 3 Good News Clubs are starting this week and another next Monday.
3. We have 5 students interested in TCE 1 set to start September 26th.
4. We have another volunteer to help at the Red Cedar GNC this fall.
5. There were 13 GNC workers that attended the GNC kickoff training this past Saturday. The training went very well.

Please Pray with us:
1. Pray for more volunteers to help in GNC, particularly at Wilcox school in Holt. Luke 10:2.
2. Pray for finances to be provided for various office needs.
3. Pray for more students for the Teaching Children Effectively 1 course, scheduled to begin
on September 26.
4. Pray for the Christian Youth in Action meeting that will take place this Friday via zoom. Pray for the leadership team to be guided in decisions for next year’s CYIA.
5. Pray for the staff as we promote the ministry and recruit volunteers.
6. Pray for the three GNC’s that are starting this week (Attwood, North, and Riddle). And one starting next week (Red Cedar).
9. Pray for Bezawit. She has a myoma growing alongside the baby. Pray that the size and location of the mass with continue to not affect the baby in any way.
10. Pray for Bezawit’s immigration interview to take place soon.
11. Pray that Cole Academy will open their doors so that a GNC can take place there this fall.

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