Praise and Prayer Requests for October 15, 2024
CEF of MI, Capital Area Chapter

Praise God with us:
1. New Sump pump was able to be installed this week.
2. TCE™ 1 in Capital area is on its fourth week and is going well. TCE 1 in Lapeer has one week left.
3. Many Good News Clubs have started and are going smoothly. Three more clubs are starting this week (N. Aurelius, Alaiedon and Columbia Road Baptist Church).

Please Pray with us:
1. Pray for Red Cedar and Webberville Elementary Good News Clubs. There have been additional setbacks for both clubs. Pray for wisdom in handling each situation that arises.
2. Pray for finances to be provided for various office needs.
3. Pray for GNC’s that are starting this week (N. Aurelius, Alaiedon and Columbia Road Baptist Church.)
4. Pray for the committee meeting tonight.
5. Pray for CEF® World Day of Prayer on November 6th.
6. Pray for Bezawit. She has a myoma growing alongside the baby. Pray that the size and location of the mass with continue to not affect the baby in any way.
7. Pray for Bezawit’s immigration interview to take place soon.
8. Pray for wisdom for GNC™ workers as they prepare and teach clubs each week.

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