Good News Club® Registration Form Name(s) of child(ren), ages, and grade (You can include all of your children here so only one form is needed)Address of Child(ren) (Number, Street, Apt)City, State, ZipPrimary Phone numberEmail addressEmergency Contact (Give name and phone number of 1 - 2 people to contact if we cannot get in touch with you.)Please indicate what school Good News Club your child(ren) will attend. Attwood (Lansing) Starts Sept. 16 North (Lansing) Sept. 17 Riddle (Lansing) Starts Sept. 19 Greyhound Intermediate (Starts February 4) Alaiedon (Mason) Starts October 17 North Aurelius (Mason) Starts October 16 Potterville Elementary Released Time Club (Starts Oct. 8) Sycamore School (Holt) Starts Oct 8 Wilcox (Holt) Starts Oct 8 Webberville (Starts October 24) Does your family attend church? If so, please give the name of the church.Photo release. I give permission for pictures with my child(ren) in them to be used for CEF promotional purposes. These photos will not be used on public social media sites. Yes No Parent/Guardian Signature.To ParentsIt is your responsibility to pick up your child promptly at the end of Good News Club. Please find the printable permission slip for more information regarding the club your child will attend. You do not need to fill out the printable flyer if you have submitted this form.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.